All locations for Sleigh & Carriages rides closed 1/20/19 due to Weather

“You know Monty, I don’t mind the Rain & Snow. It gives my coat a good cleaning. But the Wind…I don’t like the Wind! I agree, Ace. Pine Cones falling out of the sky & trash flying around scares me too... Makes me want to RUN! I feel safer at home.”

Horses being ‘fright & flight’ animals do not feel secure in windy conditions. The Borges Family take seriously our responsibility for the safely of our crew, horses & guests and close in dangerous weather or road conditions. Enjoy your day & the gift of time with those close to you!


Sleigh and Carriage Rides closed MLK Day due to icy roads and high winds


Carriage Rides at Stateline Open today! 1/19/19